Behind the scenes work

Regular users of our dating sites will know that something new happens almost every week. This may be a new feature, an improvement or some bug fixes. In the past week we have been working on things that you don’t see. Even though you don’t see them, they are important to the site. So this is what we have been up to:

Password security

When you login to the site the data you enter on the login page is now encrypted and passed to the login check page. This small change helps keep your data more secure.

Advert system

I guess you hate our annoying adverts? But without them we could not offer a free service. We have spentĀ a lot of time this week coding a brand new advert management tool. This allows us to have more advert partners and show more relevant adverts to you. The current system displayed all adverts to all people (only filtered by gender). The new system’s concept is to show the right advert to the right person. This will make our advert click rates higher and in turn generate more revenue.

Sound good for us right? Of course, but this also means we can spend more on the site. If we can increase the site’s revenue we can engage with a professional PR firm and hope to grow the awareness of the site and attract more members. So if you see an advert that looks interesting to you then engage and click.

Platform Dating Advertiser v1

Private messages

A few weeks back we rewrote the message system and collected all the messages within 2 databases. We are almost ready to switch fully to the new system. You will not notice any change but you will get more message filtering and delete options.


We have a few more behind the scenes features to work on in the coming weeks and then our focus will shift to membership growth followed by more site work that you will see. We never rest and type lines of code every day of the week to help improve the site.

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