A premium dating brand

The majority of our dating sites are wholly owned by our company (front-end, back-end, database) and are 100% free, but we do operate some alternative platforms. It makes sound business sense to have a diverse portfolio of brands. This article explains how we use [WLD] to achieve this goal. is a site built on the WLD platform.  How did we create it? How does it work? and more importantly how does it preform?

How does WLD work?

WLD provide the backend and the database or in other words they provide the part of the site where the dating actually happens and they also manage the database of members. People who join will be shown on other peoples WLD sites and likewise our members will see theirs. This shared database has well over 40 million members so the first person who joins the site will see these people. If you chose to start a dating website from scratch you need a critical mass of members for the site to work. With WLD you do not need to worry about this important part of the business. Our role was to create a landing page and connect it to their system. : The domain

Our domain was bought from new, around the time that the new top level extensions where released for dating. At the time of writing there are two of these new TLDs, they are .dating and .singles. The advantage of these newer domains is the ease of getting short and focused name. Dot com domains are heavily used and are therefore difficult to find a good one. We purchased a few of these at the same time:


Some of these are active sites, others are waiting to be developed. casual adult dating

The core construction of the site

We believe for a site to work well within the top search engines you have to make the site look nice and be fast. The search engine has no idea what the site looks like but users spend more time on nice looking sites and search engines can measure this. Speed and mobile compatibility is also critical. We obsessed with it on this design.

  • Google mobile score = 100
  • Google mobile speed = 99
  • Google desktop speed = 99

Google page speed

The only reason we have 99 for speed is from using Google Analytics and the way you have to add the code to your site looses you 1 point. It’s ironic, that the tool that stops you getting a perfect score is actually Google. And just to add extra pressure on the design we also made every page 100% W3C compliant. W3C is a strict standard that means every part of your HTML has to be perfect. We cannot be sure that search engines use this but it does mean that any browser that is designed to the standard will display the site correctly. If you think there are just a handful like, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari then think again. Wikipedia has a browser list that has 100s. With a busy dating brand you even get people using it from a games console or the original black and white Amazon Kindle.

The ground work on is absolute solid, the social network discussions and links from leading sites is the next stage in a flawless SEO performance. This part of the process can take years to build up and it’s always the hardest part of running a dating business. The advantage with free sites is people are willing to tell other people about them. But with a premium paid site this is not the case. Building the search based traffic needs blog articles, viral social media activities and a splash of PR and marketing. If your visitor to paid conversion rates are high enough then you can go the root of paid advertising. But for advertising to work you need to having everything converting to the maximum as it’s all too easy to burn money.

Responsive design

Having a mobile site is now more important than having a desktop site. Google recently announced that there are more searches on mobiles than any other device. The concept of having a mobile site and a desktop site is also out of date. Today, you should have one site that morphs for all device types and screen sizes. You can test this if you are on a desktop computer, access and adjust the size of your browser window and watch how the site adapts. If you are on a mobile then visit the site and rotate your screen between portrait and landscape and again you will see the design change. The basic rule of modern responsive design is you should not have to use “Pinch to Zoom” to use the site.

Over to

Once the site is running it’s our job to build traffic and it’s WLD’s job to convert free members in to paid members. This is something that WLD work very hard at. In a way it’s nice to only have to focus on half of the business. In addition you also don’t have to worry about updates, technical support, billing, refunds, chargebacks, legal legislation and much more!

A conflict of interest?

If you are reading this as a user of dating sites and you want to know if you should pick our free sites or our paid premium site then we would suggest both. Both are totally free to join and on the premium brand if you get lots of messages from people that look interesting then pay to contact them. If you don’t get enough interest then stick with our free sites. Many people use more than one dating site in today’s world, in just the same you may personally use both Facebook and Twitter (and Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest etc).


If you are looking at starting a dating business and you have no previous experience then we would highly recommend you look at WLD (it’s free). You will need some web development experience as well as some marketing and PR skills. Don’t expect to chuck a site together and make a full time salary overnight.

If you are looking to join a casual adult dating site then take a look at and see how you get on. The number of members who you can contact is truly staggering and in most cases there will be plenty of single members local to you.

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